Monday, 2 October 2017

Books Unlocked - Black History Month

This October, Britain celebrates 30 years of Black History Month.

There is still debate as to whether Black history can be relegated to one month.  Morgan Freeman declared, “I don’t want a Black History month…Black history is American history.”[1] The same can be said of the UK – Black people have been present here for centuries.  Records show small numbers of Black people residing in the UK during the 12th century but with the expansion of the British empire in the 17th and 18th centuries, these numbers increased.  Blacks were enslaved and exploited, while a small handful enjoyed privilege and status.  So, I understand Freeman’s point - Black history is British history, Black history is American history, Black history is world history.  However, there is still a distinct lack of Black History integrated and taught within the National Curriculum.  Where Black history does manage to seep through into formal education, how much highlights and celebrates black pioneers?

Black History month was founded in the UK in October 1987.  The month serves to highlight the achievements and contributions of Black people throughout history and those that strive to shape our society in present day.  With the rise of racial attacks and white supremacists particularly in America, Black History is relevant now more than ever. Check for a plethora of information.

The University of Bedfordshire library would like to celebrate Black History Month.  There will be a display on level 1 highlighting Black pioneers and historical figures, and a selection of literature by Black writers.  Our blog posts will be updated regularly too!

What are your thoughts on Black History Month?  What does it mean to you?  What Black figures inspire you?  In your opinion, is BHM even relevant?

[1] (rickey2b4, April 2009. Morgan Freeman on Black History Month [video online] Available at: [Accessed 02 October 2017]

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